Celebrate Merryspring’s 50th year

A vibrant and diverse community.

Experience Merryspring

Take a tour by air of Merryspring and experience the bird’s eye view of the forest and meadows.

Celebrate Merryspring’s 50th year

A vibrant and diverse community.

Experience Merryspring

Take a tour by air of Merryspring and experience the bird’s eye view of the forest and trails.

Our mission

Merryspring’s mission is “to practice, teach and advocate sound principles of ecology, conservation and horticulture in order to protect our natural environment, and to provide natural landscapes and cultivated areas for public enjoyment.”


Join us
50 year anniversary
Covid-19 Resources

Explore Merryspring

Online Payments
Parks and Recreation
Documents & Forms
Report A Concern
Licenses & Permits

Our 50th Anniversary

In 2024, Merryspring celebrates its 50th year! Become a member and help us continue to protect the land and provide educational activities to continue to build a resilient community. 

Business and Investment

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Upcoming Events

Vernal Pools and creature of the night

March 14, 2023

2:00 pm – 8:00 pm
National Music Gallery

Worm composting bins

March 16, 2023

9:00 am – 11:00 am
Divi Park

50th Anniversary Celebrations

July 19, 2024

10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Tent party in Meadow


Land Area

Year Founded


City News

Tomato tasting 2018

Tomato tasting 2018

It was our sixth annual tomato tasting and each year it gets better and better. A number of first timers came so I expect it will continue to attract more and more people to this unique and fun event. The 2018 tomato tasting happened to fall on my birthday...

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Hello and welcome to MariLark!

This is a special place where my roots go deep. I am the founder of the modern MariLark, but I am not the one who picked the lot, designed the home and finally built it here in what was known as Berkeley Woods. After a lot of sweat, back aches and more, the corner has...

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Main: (207) 236-2239

Fax: (207) 230-0663

Email us: info@merryspring.org


30 Conway Road
P.O. Box 893
Camden, Maine 04843